Low-Calorie Cocktails (300-400 Calories) That Are Worth Every Sip
Let’s face it: sometimes you just want a cocktail that feels indulgent, a little extra, without completely derailing your entire day. When you’re in the mood for something more decadent but not a total calorie bomb, these cocktails hit the sweet spot. We’re talking about drinks that hover between 300-400 calories—so they’re not super light, but they’re still keeping you in check. Whether you’re treating yourself after a long week or going all-in on a weekend, these drinks bring the flavor and a bit of indulgence without overdoing it.

Kew Garden

White Lightning Monster

Sunrise Mocktail

Frosty the Snowman Cocktail

Creamy Coconut Margarita

Winter Spice Sangria

Sugar Cookie Martini

Mind Eraser


Squid Game Dalgona Cocktail

Mason Jar Margarita



Glaceon Pokemon Cocktail

Evening Accessory Cocktail

Mr. Freeze Cocktail


Frozen Strawberry Banana Colada

Adios Mother

Harvest Moon

Bird Bomb

Purple Passion Jiggle Shots

Chocolate Leprechaun

Bullfrog 2

Citron and Seven

Blue Long Island

Port Wine Eggnog

Mike`s Eggnog Wonderful

Vanilla Creamsicle Cocktail

American Leroy Cocktail

Ginger Cosmo Cocktail

Baileys White Russian Cocktail

Hazelnut Mudslide Cocktail

Kryptonite Bomb Shot

Mockingjay Smash Cocktail

Glow Rita Cocktail

Ruby Sunrise Cocktail

A-List Ruby Cocktail

Shimmertini Cocktail

The Jewel

Han Solo Cocktail

Monkey Coffee Cocktail

Zombitini Cocktail

Jolly Rancher Cocktail

Jedi Lightsaber cocktail
100 Miles per Hour
187 Cocktail
3 Fingers of Ron Burgundy
3 Strikes. Youre Out
357 Magnum
73 Bus 2
A Fuzzy Thing
A Lark`s Tropical Heaven
A Sunny Delight
A Very Berry Surprise
Absolut Zero
Absolute Monster
After Five 2
Agent Orange 2
Aggie Banana
Alawai Canal
Alcoholic Sherbert Delight
Alexander Baby
Alexandra 2
Allen Oakdale
Alley Shooter
Almond Fog
Amaretto Colada
Amaretto Seduction
Amaretto Spritzer
Amaretto Stone Sour 3
Amarula Colada
Ambrosia Martini
An Orgy of Liquors
Apeach Martini
Apple Brandy Cooler
Apple Jacks
Apple Shooter
Applicious Quencher
Armored Car
Asian Hooker
Ass Candy
Atomic Orange Cream
Authentic Pina Colada
B2 C2
Backyard Dawg
Bad Attitude
Bailey`s Banana Colada
Banana Cow
Banana Cream Pie
Banana Monkey Cocktail
Banana Split
Banoffee Milkshake
Beachcomber 2
Beam Black Bourbon
Beam Me Up Jimmy
Beau`s Rum and Coke
Bedroom Farce
Belize Rum Punch
Benka on the Rocks
Bermuda Mai Tai
Berry Bomb
Big Bad Voodoo Kooler
Big Chill 2
Big Hug
Big Johnson
Big Red Hooter 2
Bigger Better Blue Lagoon
Bikini Bottom
Bitchin Orange
Bitter Pill
Black Cherry Coke
Black Dahlia
Black Forest
Black Irish
Black Russian 4
Black Tartan
Black Tooth
Blackberry Tequila
Blessed Event
Blind Bat
Bloody Coochie
Bloody Demon From Hell
Bloody Hell
Bloody Jager
Bloody Monkey
Bloomer Dropper
Blue Bastard
Blue Bucky
Blue Chili
Blue Cloud Cocktail
Blue Dolphin 2
Blue Downy
Blue Dream
Blue Eyed Bitch
Blue Glory
Blue Green
Blue Knickers
Blue Latvian
Blue Mother
Blue Nuke
Blue Punch
Blue Ruby
Blue Russian
Blue Sky 2
Blue Solute
Blue Squid
Blue Whip
Blue Zero
Blueberry Martini
Blueberry Popsicle
Bomb Cocktail
Bomb Pop
Boo Hoo
Boston Cream Pie
Boston Tea Party
Bottom of the Barrel
Bowl Hugger
Brain Blender
Brandied Peaches `n` Cream
Brandy Eggnog
Brandy Mexi
Brandy Milk Punch
Brass Fiddle
Brazilian Monk
Brisky Jim
British Bulldog
British Snakebite
Brown Cow From Hell
Brown Elephant
Brown Elephant 2
Bubble Cream Martini
Bubble Gum 2
Bubblegum Sundae
Bull`s Milk
Bullet to the Head
Bullfrog 3
Bullshot 4
Bunky Punch
Buried Treasure
Bushwacker 3
Bust Your Black Nut
Buttered Brandy
Buttered Toffee
Butterfinger 2
Butterfinger Cocktail
Butterfinger Cocktail #2
Butterscotch Martini
Buzz Bomb
Buzz Lightyear
Camp Grenada
Canadian Killer Kool-Aid
Canadian Skittle
Cancun Rum Runner
Candy Cane Cola
Candy Store
Canyon Quake
Cape Cod 2
Cape Cod Cooler
Captain Butter Cream
Car Crash
Car Wreck
Caramel Apple Martini
Caramel Candy Apple
Caramel Macchiato Martini
Caramel Martini
Caribbean Delight
Caribbean Ice Tea
Carmel Apple Spritzer
Carpet Licker
Carribean Catholic
Carrot Cake
Celeste Sunrise
Chambord Colada
Chambord Margarita
Champagne Cornucopia
Champagne Rum Punch
ChaTiffany Especial
Cherry Bomb 4
Cherry Daiquiri
Cherry Martinsen
Cherry Pepsi
Cherry Poppin` Scotty
Cherry Pucker
China Village Mai Tai
Choco Buca
Choco Colada
Chocolate Banana
Chocolate Banana Banshee
Chocolate Chimp
Chocolate Cloud
Chocolate Coke
Chocolate Mountain
Chocolate Raspberry Brownie
Chocolate Sailor
Chocolate Vice
Christmas Elf`s Revenge
Christmas In Mexico
Christopher Walken
Chubbie Moose
Chunky Monkey
Ciclonic Hurricane
Cinco de Mayo 2
Cinco de Rob-o
Circus Peanut
Cit on Fire
Citrus Tango
Clementine Martini
Cloudberry Cocktail
Cobalt Kiss
Coco Butter
Coco Channel
Coffee Colada
Coffee Royale
Colorado Bulldog 2
Colorado Coolaid
Comfort Driver
Cookies `n` Cream
Corn-Fed Country Pussy
Cosmo Kurant
Cosmopolitan Cocktail 5
Crazy Cocktail
Crazy Erika
Creamsicle 2
Creamy Kiss
Creamy Root Beer Float
Cruz Azul
Cuban Lemur
Daytona Daydream
Daytona Rolling Thunder
Dead Hand
Death By Sex
Deep Blue Something
Deep Pleasure
Deer Hunter
Deer Killer
Degobah Dropkick
Desert Bastard
Devil`s Blood 2
Dirty Bloody Martini
Dirty Bong Water
Dirty Grandmother
Dirty Monkey
Disaronno and Cream
Double Bubble
Dr. Pepper 2
Dreamy Chocolate Winter
Dreamy Winter Delight
Drunk Monkey
Dulce Maria Cocktail
Dusty Rose
Electric Banana
Electric Long Island Iced Tea
Elven Blood
End of the Road
Evil Spell 2
Fallen Angel 2
Fire in the Sky
Five in the Morning
Flaming Armageddon
Flaming Dr.
Flaming Giraffe
Flaming Spanish Fly
Flamingo Squeezer
Flip Passion
Florida Pina Colada
Florida Rum Runner
Fluxuation Cocktail
French Colada
Frosty Amour
Frosty Dawn
Frozen Domingo
Fruity Exploration
Fuck You 2
Fucking Monkey
Fuzzy Cooter
Fuzzy Leprechaun 2
Fuzzy Martini
Fuzzy Melon
Fuzzy Screw Against the Wall
Fuzzy Sunrise
Galliano Island Iced Tea
German Bulldog
Ginny`s Slammin` Goddess
Golden Almonds
Golden Sunset
Good `n Plenty
Good Golly
Gorilla Smile
Grand Fashion
Grapes of Wrath
Grateful Dead cocktail
Great White Shark Attack
Green and Gold Bloody
Green Coconut
Green Eggs
Grinch`s Christmas
Grizzly Bear
Hard in the Paint
Harlee`s Planters Punch
Hawaiian Dream
Heart Warmer
Henry Morgan`s Grog
Honey Bunny
Honey Nuts
Hot Butterscotch Cocoa
Hot Chocolate Butternut
Hot Gold
Hot Lesbian
Hot M.M.M.
Hot Mollifier
Hot Tequila
Hunka Hunka Burnin Luv
Hurricane Hawaii
IED (Improvised Explosive Device)
Incredible Orange
Irish Chocolate Milk
Irish Comfort
Irish Cream Special
Irish Milk Punch
Irish Monk
Irish Wake
Italian Bulldog
Italian Crown
Italian Sombrero
Jamaica Hop
Jamaican Bahama Mama
Jamaican Hurricane
Jamaican Sunrise
Java Jam
Jesus Juice
Joe`s Cash Money
Johnny Bravo
Johnny on the Spot
Johnson Cocktail
Jolly on the Rocks
Joy Ride
Kahlua Cream Soda
King of Denmark
King`s Gold
Kitty Nectar
Kool-Aid Shot
Kurt Cobain
Lemmings Leap
Lemon Drop 5
Leprechaun`s Libation
Letitia`s Penis Butter Cup
Limon Spritzer
Lindsey`s Night Cap
Liquid Cocaine 8-Ball
Long Island Taxi
Long Island Tears
Long Tall Cowboy
Love in the Afternoon
Lover`s Kiss 2
Low Lattitude Lust
Luscious Leslie
Mansion Mind Eraser
Maria Mia
McGuire`s Fuzzy Irishman
Mean Green Love Making Machine
Melon Colada
Melon Rudder
Midori Green Russian
Milk Punch
Milli Vanilli
Mind Eraser 3
Mint Chocolate Dream
Mocha Martini
Monks Martini
Monster Mash
Mont Blanc
Montana Sunrise
Mooing Irish Pepsi
Moon Light
Mud Puddle
Muddy Water
Mulatto Russian
Nagel Nectar
Nick`s Fruit Punch
Nickel Fever
Norwegian Iceberg
Nutty Bitch
Nutty Colada
Ohio Bulldog
Old Rootbeer Float
Orange Breeze
Orange Crunk Mix
Passion Colada
Passionate Kiss
Peachy Comfort
Peachy Pirate
Peachy Tea
Penguin`s Surprise
Pennsylvania Dutch Horse and Buggy Bomb
Peterborough Parallax
Picon Punch
Pimp Cocktail
Pimp Daddy
Pina Colada Royal
Pinky Colada
Piper At The Gates Of Dawn
Pirate`s Treasure
Pixie Stix
Planter`s Punch (Americanised)
Playboy Bunny Cocktail
Poison Sumac
Poolside Pleasure
Popped Cherry
Purple Helmeted Warrior
Purple Peach
Pusser`s Pain Killer
Raspberry Colada
Red Hot Lover
Rieber Red Margarita
Romance Cocktail
Royal Hot Chocolate
Russian Qualude
Russian Qualude Cocktail
Russian Sunset
Sangria Liqueur – Sweet
Sangria Liqueur Classic
Screaming Nazi 2
Sex in the Shower
Sex on the Beach 11
Sherry Milk Punch
Silver Cloud
Ski Shooter
Smooth Pineapple Daiquiri
Smooth Sailing
Snake Bite Bites Back
Snow Snake
Soapy Tits
Sorrento Cafe
South Beach Martini
Southern Raspberry Tart
Spicy Martini
Strawberry and Coffee Cream Soda
The Better Fuzzy Navel
The Gold. The Bad. and The Ugly
The Lowee
Three Wise Men 2
Three Wise Men on a Cold Mexican Night
Tom`s Rum Runner
Toxic Antifreeze
Tropical Sunrise
Turby`s Amaretto
Vodka Pina Colada
Washington Apple Cocktail
White Christmas
White Out
Tips for Low-Calorie Cocktails (300-400 Calories):
- Use the good stuff: If you’re going for a higher-calorie cocktail, use high-quality ingredients. A rich rum or a perfect cream can make every calorie worth it.
- Ice it up: Frozen versions of your favorite cocktails can often be more satisfying, so you don’t feel the need to drink as much.
- Don’t be afraid to split: Share a rich cocktail with a friend or serve smaller portions to enjoy the flavor without the full calorie load.
These cocktails are all about balance. Sure, they’re a bit more indulgent, but that’s what makes them special. When you’re in the mood for something rich and flavorful, these drinks are here to deliver. Sip slowly, enjoy every taste, and let yourself indulge—without overdoing it. After all, you’ve earned it!
Craving more delicious cocktail ideas? Join the Drink Buddy Club for exclusive recipes and tips that bring big flavors to your glass, without blowing your calorie count!

Low-Calorie Cocktails Under 100 Calories

Low-Calorie Cocktails (100-200 Calories)